2 thoughts on “Christian Nationalism Is Far More Authentically American Than The Anti-Torah ADL

  1. a274aac9697659f

    Even though early American intellectuals understood Hebrew and the Torah, the overwhelming weight of religious experience in both the Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay colonies was Protestant Christianity, as the residents of the Maryland [Catholic] colony will testify. It is sort of silly to deny the very stresses that drove most of the first settlers out of England (as it still was at that time) and to the new land. To decry the very basis of the US is patently silly and Statistly woke. If they want to lok at intolerance, let them review Rothbard’s excellent documentation of the intolerance of the Massachusetts and surrounding colonies in his epic tome, “Conceived in Liberty”. I would put dollars to donuts that none of them have ever considered reading it much less even know of it. Yet it stands out as one of the most thorough histories of the northern colonies and their legal and religious conflicts in creating a land separate and distinct from England and its version of the religious intolerance that was mirrored over here.

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  2. a274aac9697659f

    And, as far as the treasonous ADL is concerned…. it is a storefront for the B’nai Brith, a pre-civil war invention of British PM Palmerston in order to have a spy agency to not only collect information on the North’s military but also to funnel money to the secessionist South that Britain was bankrolling at the time in order to rip the US apart and re-colonise it. So, the ADL is not much more than an Oligarchy mouthpiece, IMHO.



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